In the current job-hunting market, interviews aren’t just where interviewers discern whether a candidate is suitable for the position. Today’s savvy candidates are increasingly turning the tables by asking insightful questions to gauge whether a potential move to a new company is the right fit for them. Just as candidates diligently prepare for interviews, interviewers must be ready to address open-ended questions from candidates, as their responses can either spark excitement or dampen interest in the opportunity. So let’s get into some strategies for interviewers to tackle open-ended questions to ensure candidates are jumping at the chance to join your organisation.

Anticipate Common Questions

Candidates often inquire about company culture, seeking insights into the organisation's values, dynamics, and response to challenges like the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead of merely expressing a preference for the culture or emphasising collaborative dynamics, interviewers should provide examples or scenarios. Sharing personal experiences that illustrate the company's collaborative spirit or commitment to work-life balance helps candidates envision themselves as part of the team, fostering a sense of comfort and belonging.

Make Personal Connections

During interviews, interviewers should strive to establish a connection with candidates by relating responses directly to their skills and experiences. Drawing parallels between a candidate's past achievements and the role's requirements demonstrates an understanding of their capabilities and reinforces their suitability for the position. This personalised approach strengthens the connection between the interviewer and the candidate, creating a more engaging and productive interview experience.

Highlight Growth Opportunities

Candidates assess not only the immediate role but also the potential for growth and development within the company. Interviewers should listen attentively to discern each candidate's aspirations and discuss relevant growth opportunities, such as personalised coaching, educational courses, or industry conferences. Sharing success stories of employees who have advanced within the company underscores its commitment to employee development and motivates candidates to envision their future career trajectories within the organisation.

Demonstrate Self-Awareness

Candidates seek assurance that they'll enjoy working with their potential manager if offered the job. Open-ended questions about a manager's leadership style provide interviewers with an opportunity to candidly discuss their approach, past mistakes, and areas for improvement. Displaying vulnerability and fostering a sense of psychological safety for the candidate encourages open dialogue and mutual understanding.

Preparing for interviews requires thoroughness and dedication from interviewers. You want to convey an openness and portray a sense that your answers aren’t overly rehearsed and honest. Equipped with compelling stories and a genuine enthusiasm for the company and the position, interviewers can leave a lasting impression on candidates, instilling confidence and enthusiasm in their decision-making process.